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Cologne Dellbrück

Our day care centre in Cologne Dellbrück was opened in February 2016. It is located in a quiet and leafy residential area, wich is a great starting point for a variety of exploratory excursions. Our favorite destinations include the Höhenfelder Lake, the Diepeschrather Mühle mill and Dünnwald wildlife park. Our spacious outdoor area allows the children can to play, romp, climb and swing to their heart's content. Our indoor spaces are bright and inviting and are continuously adapted to the current needs of the children. Each group room has different areas for playing, physical activity and rest to enable the children to develop freely.

Pre-register at the Cologne Dellbrück daycare centre

Siegel für einsprachige Kita deutsch
Logo - Stiftung Kinder forschen
Zertifizierung "Stiftung Kinder forschen" für Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Dellbrück
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Dellbrück - Spielplatz
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Dellbrück - Gebäude
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Dellbrück - Gruppenraum

Educational concept

We support children to learn in a holistic manner, helping them engage with their environment to promote self-directed education. Our goal is to recognize the individual abilities and interests of each child and to promote these in a targeted manner in everyday life. That is why free play forms such an important component of our daily routine. We also place a great emphasis on participation: our daily morning circle is an opportunity to discuss the day together, and we also organize a children's conference every three months.

Our daycare centre is a certified under the German education initiative for junior scientists "Haus der kleinen Forscher". We want to promote an awareness of the importance of sustainability and the environment from an early age. That is also why we have an educational emphasis on "ESD" (Education for Sustainable Development) and "STEM" (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) topics that are playfully incorporated into our everyday nursery routine.

Our pedagogical concept

General Information

Childcare age:
from 9 months to school entry

Number of groups:
3 nursery groups
3 kindergarten groups



Opening & Closing Hours

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
07.30am - 04.30pm

Closing hours:
• 2 weeks in summer 
• 2 weeks over Christmas 
• Weiberfastnacht (Women's Carnival Day) ½ day
• Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday)
• 1 team day
• 2 pedagogical days 
• 2 educational training days (after Christi Himmelfahrt and Fronleichnam)

Address and Contact
Kleine Riesen
Cologne Dellbrück


Hyazinthenweg 10-12
51069 Köln

Google Maps

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Registration is via the Little Bird online system for the city of Cologne.


Daycare contact

Manuela Duchardt, daycare management
Questions about settling in and allocation of places - pre-registration isonly possible online.

0221 - 69200063


Management contact

Advice for parents and sales
Questions about applications and options for covering costs

0711 35 116 40

Office hours:
Monday, 9 to 11am
Tuesday, 2 to 4pm