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Cologne Eil

The day care centre, opening in early 2022, is centrally located and easily accessible on Frankfurter Straße in Cologne-Porz-Eil. Our modern, friendly facility extends over two levels. The day care centre, which opened in early 2022, is centrally located and easily accessible on Frankfurter Straße in Cologne-Porz-Eil. Our modern, friendly facility extends over two levels. On the ground floor, there are two group areas for children under 3, consisting of three individually designed rooms. In addition to the main group room, the children can access the adjoining play room or quiet/sleeping room. The sports room is also located on the ground floor and can be used by all groups. The highlights here are the ball pool and the bouldering wall for young and old. In the area for children over 3 on the upper floor, each group has two more play and activity rooms in addition to the main room. The high landscapes are particularly popular here and offer space where the children can spread out individually.

For outdoor activities, we use our spacious external area. Here, the kids can let off steam in the sandpit, on the climbing frame or on the swing. We often use the park, which is only 300 metres away and has its own playground. But we also regularly go for walks in the neighbouring woods or on excursions to attractions further away.

Pre-register at the Cologne Eil daycare centre

Siegel für einsprachige Kita deutsch
Bunte Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil von Außen
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil von Innen
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil - Garten
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil - Gruppenraum
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil - Innenraum
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil - Gruppenraum
Kita Kleine Riesen Köln Eil - Turnhalle

Educational concept

We follow a situational approach to learning at our daycare centre. As a certified music nursery, our educational work is distinguished by a focus on music. Other essential principles include movement — for example, we offer self-defence courses for children — and outdoor activities. Our raised bed project inspires even the youngest children to get involved in gardening.

We place particular value on collaborative interactions with parents. Taking account of the children’s requirements is equally important for us, which is why we regularly organize a children's parliament, for example.

Our pedagogical team has an extensive repertoire of training and expertise. For example, we have educators with additional training in music and movement as well as specialists in intercultural, integrative and inclusive pedagogical work. Thanks to the additional qualifications of our language experts, we soon intend to apply and establish ourselves as a language daycare centre.

Our pedagogical concept

General Information

Childcare age:
from 2 months to school entry

Number of groups:
2 nursery groups (under 3 years)
2 kindergarten groups (over 3 years)



Opening & Closing Hours

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
07.30am - 4.30pm

Closure periods:
• 2 weeks in summer 
• 2 weeks over Christmas 
• Weiberfastnacht (Women's Carnival Day) ½ day
• Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday)
• 1 team day
• 2 pedagogical days 
• 2 educational training days (after Christi Himmelfahrt and Fronleichnam)

Address and Contact
Kleine Riesen
Cologne Eil


Frankfurter Straße 714a
51145 Köln

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Registration is via the Little Bird online system for the city of Cologne.


Daycare contact

Cassandra Korn, daycare management
Questions about settling in and allocation of places — pre-registration is only possible online.

02203 98 07 120


Management contact

Advice for parents and sales
Questions about applications and options for covering costs

0711 35 116 40

Office hours:
Monday, 9 to 11am
Tuesday, 2 to 4pm