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Essen Bredeney

Our day care centre is located in a quiet office building away from heavy traffic in the "Büropark Bredeney". Our bright group rooms with high-quality equipment offer the children a friendly, feel-good atmosphere that is safe and secure. Almost all rooms have access to our large garden, which offers a roughly 900 m2 area where our "little giants" have plenty of space to romp and play to their hearts' content.

Our day care centre parents have set up an officially registered Friends Association to support the facility.

Pre-register at the Essen Bredeney daycare centre

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Logo - Stiftung Kinder forschen
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Nestschaukel
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Spielplatz
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Garten
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Eingang
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Marienkäfergruppe
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Fröschegruppe
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Bienengruppe
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Bücherei
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Atelier
Kita Kleine Riesen Essen Bredeney - Turnhalle

Educational concept

Our pedagogical concept is based on the belief that children who feel happy, safe and secure are better able to learn and develop. Our daycare focus is on art and the performing arts: we believe every child has an inherent capacity for 100 languages and is an artist in their own unique way. Our mission is to help children develop and express their individual talents. This approach involves focusing on the specific needs of the children and their particular circumstances. We follow the Berlin settling-in model and place great value on excellent cooperation with parents right from the start.

Our pedagogical concept

General Information

Childcare age:
from 10 months to school entry

Number of groups:
2 nursery groups (under 3 years)
1 kindergarten group (over 3 years)



Opening & Closing Hours

Opening hours:
Monday - Friday
7.30am - 4.30pm 

Closure periods:
• 2 weeks in summer 
• 2 weeks over Christmas 
• Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday)
• 1 team day
• 2 pedagogical days 
• 2 educational training days (after Christi Himmelfahrt and Fronleichnam)

Address and Contact
Kleine Riesen
Essen Bredeney


Theodor-Althoff-Straße 39
45133 Essen

Google Maps

We integrate map material from Google Maps on our website. By clicking on "Activate", you consent to cookies being set and your data being processed by Google, possibly in the USA, with the risk of access by US authorities. You can revoke your consent at any time. You can find more details here: Data protection.


Registration is via the Little Bird online system for the city of Essen.


Daycare contact

Jocelyn Tirol de Sousa, daycare management
Questions about settling in and allocation of places — pre-registration is only possible online.

0201 79 88 54 00


Management contact

Advice for parents and sales
Questions about applications and options for covering costs

0711 35 116 40

Office hours:
Monday, 9 to 11am
Tuesday, 2 to 4pm