Kleine Riesen, Little Giants & Petits Géants

Available places


Are you looking for a Kleine Riesen, Little Giants or Petits Géants nursery or kindergarten place for your child? Pre-registration for a daycare place in the cities of Esslingen, Hamburg, Hanover, Magdeburg and Stuttgart takes place using the form below. We will contact you as soon as a place is available.

The daycare centre registrations in the cities of Aschaffenburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Freiburg, Cologne, Kuppenheim, Munich, Münster, Nuremberg, Pulheim and Trossingen do NOT go through this form, but through different online systems. You will find the corresponding direct links for registration on the respective centre pages!

Kleine Riesen Nord gGmbH - Check availability

Information on parents
Contact information
Details of your child (s)
Details of the 1st child
Details of the 2nd child
Details of the 3rd child
Details of the 4th child
Where and from when do you want a place in a nursery
* required fields