Learning Centres
The holistic Kleinen Riesen, Little Giants & Petits Géants curriculum focuses on all developmental areas.
To ensure an optimal learning environment, we inculde diverse elements in our monthly and weekly themes.
The areas we focus on are:

Language is our primary means of communication. Hence, language education takes up a major part in the Little Giants curriculum.
Long before children learn to read, the can take part in activities, which spark a lifelong admiration for the beauty of language. Phonemic understanding is an integral part of our program. You will find language in every aspect of our curriculum. We offer activities that challenge language skills, thereby increasing the child's knowledge. Our caregivers support children in following their interests for reading, writing, speaking and listening. Words are separated in sounds and rhymes are recited. Finger play and reading books to children complements the learning process.
Children experience the magic of language through rhymes,
dramatic play and role playing.

Our curriculum helps children to gain a solid understanding of mathematical relations.
Our program encourages adults to show children that math is part of our every-day life. Even very young children understand that one needs a defined amounts of ingredients when baking cookies.
At Little Giants, we teach children to recognize numbers, to make relationships and sequences and other mathematical skills.

At Little Giants scientific phenomena become alive, by employing every-day-experiences of the children like falling objects, mixing colors, condensation on windows and the growth of plants.
Our learning centres utilize the curiosity of children and support them in developing their problem solving skills. They are encouraged to observe, to ask questions, to try out and to reflect. Every day is filled with scientific phenomena, they only need to be realized and shown to a child.

Our environment
Children learn about our environment and all aspects of life. With materials that show people from different parts of our world doing different activities, we teach children respect and tolerance.
Books, games, learning centres and countless activities support this process. We implement the increasingly global environment we live in into our curriculum at an age-appropriate level.
Respect for nature and all living beings is an important element of our program. Children learn to love and respect life and our environment. Our daily routines and activities teach to conserve natural resources.

Projects go beyond the daily routine activities. They are learning adventures that stimulate both senses and interests of a child.
Enthusiastically we discuss topics and phenomena. Our projects offer opportunities to solve problems, to test hypotheses and to communicate discoveries.

Arts And Music
We know that even young children enjoy art, music, theater and dance.
Even at a very young age, first steps can be taken to encourage artistic expression. At Little Giants children not only learn to express themselves through painting, singing and dance, but also they learn to appreciate the works of famous painters and composers.

Field Trips
Field trips support our curriculum. Children are able to experience the things they learned about at the Little Giants Centre.
Already the toddler groups take part in excursions to the museum and the zoo. Excursions make the contents of our weekly and monthly themes more vivid. Starting at kindergarten we do at least one excursion per week.

Cooking and Nutrition
In the first years of life healthy eating habits are formed. Therefore, preparing and eating meals together is an important part of the Little Giants curriculum.
The children in Little Giants kindergarten groups regularly join there teachers shopping for groceries. Either on the farmer's market or in the local grocery store they buy fresh ingredients for preparing and cooking delicious meals.

Physical Activities
"mens sana in corpore sano" - a healthy mind in a healthy body. As the old latin proverb states physical fitness is directly linked to cognitive abilities.
Current research in the field of neurobiologie proves this intuition. Sports and physical activites are proven to increase brain function and learning capabilities. Moreover teaching children the importance of physical activity helps to prevent adult obesity and orthopedic problems.
But most importantly doing sports together is lots of fun and helps the children to bond.