Educational concept
Education means to us to give children the opportunity to grow up to be self-conscious, successful and especially lifelong learning persons. Children regard our world as an invitation to learn and grow.
At Little Giants children acquire the skills and the self-consciousness they need for future academic success.
Learning environment
The learning environments of all Little Giants KiTas have the following characteristics:
Caregivers and parents work to together on clearly defined learning goals. The development of a child is documented and discussed on a regular basis. All our centers share a well planned room design that offers the children a large number of choices. The rooms always support discovery and exploration and they offer age-appropriate challenges. Activities and projects reflect the children's interests and skills. Our caregivers support a child's quest for knowledge and independence. The recognize moments in which a child needs a helping hand and support to master a new challenge.
- Our curriculum design is based on a team work approach.
- We document the experiences of all children and discuss them with their parents.
- Our curriculum not only includes interactions, but also a carefully planned room design in the learning process.
- We integrate elements of language education (German and English), mathematical and scientific thinking, projects, environmental themes and art in our learning centers.
Preparing for school
Little Giants caregivers are part of a team, that offers children a learning environment that provides countless choices for important developmental experiences. They provide age-appropriate choices for each individual child, ask questions and create obstacles and challenges that help children to find answers. With the support of their primary caregiver children develop their intellectual capacities and the knowledge they need for future academic success in school.

Parents are partners
At Little Giants parents are partners in every aspect of the curriculum. The help to set goals and priorities and support the learning success of their child by activities at home. Daily written information about the child's physical well-being and its emotional highs and lows, give parents more insight into their child' development. In addition, the information conveyed helps recognize possible conflicts among children and emerging health problems like constipation very early.

Documenting the learning experiences and the development of every single child is a key element of the Little Giant curriculum. Our caregivers diligently keep diaries of each child. In routine parent-caregiver conferences the developmental status of the child is discussed.
The child's work of art is kept in folders and at the end of the year parents can take home these precious creations.
Documentation is the basis for an accurate evaluation of a child's development. Using the insights gained, parents and caregivers define learning goals for the following weeks.
Although the primary caregiver gives suggestions on how to support the child best, it is the parents final decision which program elements shall be emphasized.

Educational specialists are mentors
Die Betreuerinnen in Little Giants Centern sind Teile eines Teams, das Kindern eine Lernumgebung zum Sammeln von Erfahrungen zur Verfügung stellt. Sie bieten altersgerechte Erlebnisse für jedes einzelne Kind, stellen Fragen, schaffen Herausforderungen und helfen Kindern beim Finden von Antworten. Unsere Erzieherinnen unterstützen die Kinder beim Entdecken.