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With the childcare of Little Giants in your company

Our Services:

Childcare close to the company

There is not nearly enough high-quality childcare available in Germany. Also companies have to deal with this problem. Missing child care options lead to high involuntary employee fluctuation. We believe that the traditional German child care concept can not solve the problem. Little Giants offers innovative solutions for employers that satisfy the needs of working parents.


Our Services

  • Free first consultation
  • Demand analysis and customization of a curriculum
  • Support in receiving subsidies
  • Cooperation with authorities
  • Real estate solutions
  • Management of child care centres
Kindergärtnerin mit Kleinkind im Hintergrund in einem Kindergarten Innenraum

All centres offer:

  • Long opening hours
  • No closing days (if needed)
  • Flexible child care concepts
  • Qualified staff
  • Bookable child care quotas

Benefits for your employees

  • Short distances to the childcare facility
  • Relief and stress minimization
  • more motivation
  • an earlier return to work
  • close to the child
Hand von einer Person hält Kinderhand im Park

Benefits for your company

  • Lower fluctuation
  • Cost reduction
  • Higher employee satisfaction


Consulting for companies to support their employees

For most companies supporting their employees with child care solutions without the support of an external consultant is immensly time consuming and decreases the productivity of the day-to-day business. This is where we can help you. We consult in creating and implementing a strategic plan that is tailored to the needs of your staff.

1. Demand analysis

It is important to us to know the needs of your company and your employess. Therefore the first step in a consulting project is always a thorough demand analysis. The results enable us to create a solution the meets all your needs.


2. Creating a child care concept

Our demand analysis gives answers to the following quesitons:

  • How is the child care demand among your staff structured?
  • How can employer-sponsored child care increase your company's productivity?
  • How does a child care strategy look like that aligns the needs of your employees with the goals of your company.

Based on the gained insight we will create solution that is perfectly tailored to your company.

3. Implementation

We know the that the best strategy is useless if it is not implemented. Therefore we support you in implementing your child care solution. Whether it is the architectural design of the centre, the collaboration with authorities or receiving government grants, our knowledge and our network help you attaining your goals faster.


4. Centre management

If your solution is an employer-sponsored child care centre, we will take care of its management, giving you time to concentrate on your core business.


Call us and arrange a non-binding meeting to find out how you can benefit from company-oriented childcare.  You can reach us under:  (01805) 44 26 87*.
*0.14 €/minute from the landline,  maximum 0.42 €/minute from mobile networks.


Benefits of Employer-Sponsored Child Care

Supporting work life balance is important for companies. Not only the increasing the attractivness as an employer, but also higher employee retention and motivation as well as the reduction of absent days make corporate child care solutions financially viable.

Employee retention

By strengthening employee retention, reducing absence from work and increasing productivity employer-sponsored childcare is not only an investment in your employees, but also in the future of your company. It is a well known fact that especially parents of young children often quit their jobs. Investments in child care can not only prevent the loss of valuable know-how, but also avoid the unproductive orientation phase of new employees.

While your employees benefit from sponsored childcare programs, they are unlikely to change their employer.

Gruppe von Personen am Schreibtisch mit Laptops

Reduction of absent days

Employer-sponsored care helps to reduce absent days. Current studies show, that at least half of all parents are at least two days per year absent from work, because of unavailability of their childcare. Considering that half of all childcare solutions in Germany is in-home daycare, this is not surprising.

Higher employee satisfaction

Satisfied employees are generally more productive. A company needs to show their employees that they are valuable assets. By helping your employees with childcare you not only achieve higher employee retention, but also increase productivity. Employees, who do not have to worry about the well-being of their child, are more concentrated and productive on their jobs.

Detail der Hände von Kindern, die in einem europäischen Park spielen.

Cost reduction

A family-oriented company saves money. Corporate child care solutions helps you to retain employees with children and to reduce the duration or even to eliminate staff shortages due to parental leave. You will postively influence the following of your HR costs:

Recruiting costs
Your will retain know-how and experience in the company. Parents will return earlier from parental leave. Your company will be more attractive as an employer. You will attract more qualified young and female professionals.

Bridging costs
Staff shortages due to parental leave will be reduced.

Reintegration costs
Reintegration in the company is easier after a shorter parental leave.

Child Care Options

Our Child Care Options

We know that each each company is unique and needs a solution that is adapted to its needs.  As each employer has a different culture and demographics, we create childcare solutions that focus on the strategic goals of our clients.


Company Child Care Centre

Company child care centres are the best solution for larger companies. A child care facility in proximity to the workplace enable parents to balance their families' needs and their work life.

Slots in Little Giants Child Care Centres

Many companies do not want the to invest in child care and are afraid of the long term commitment of a company child care centre. Being aware of these needs, Little Giants offers slots in our existing child care centres.


If the demographics of your staff requires the maximum flexibility, our options solution fits your needs. It is important to us to know the needs of your company and your employess. Therefore the first step in a consulting project is always a thorough demand analysis. The results enable us to create a solution the meets all your needs.